Cherry Picked Signs

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Recently in meditation, my spirit guides clairvoyantly showed me a pair of red cherries as they clairaudiently whispered “cherry blossoms” in my ear. This is their new trend—they pop into my consciousness and show me random signs that I’m meant to discover in my day-to-day life. And when I do, it strengthens my faith and resolve that they’re present with me, supporting and guiding me every step of the way.

 For two solid weeks, my guides dropped cherries into my meditation space. They also added red balloons and a single rock to the list of signs I was meant to find. The vision was clear and strong, but—nothing. I hadn’t encountered any of these signs out in the real world. If I didn’t know better, I might have slipped into doubt, convincing myself that my mind was making it up because it wasn’t showing up. But, I know from experience that our spirit guides keep their word. The signs would appear in Divine time, as things always do.

After a weekend away with my husband Chris for some kid-free, R & R, I returned home clear and grounded, refreshed and recharged. Our two-year-old daughter Haven was the first to greet me with a hug and a smile. I held her tight as she wiggled out of my arms and walked her chubby legs downstairs to our family room. She returned a few minutes later with a RED BALLOON. “Mamma, here!” I thought, Where on Earth did that come from? I stared at her in awe until I remembered that this little girl often acts as my messenger from the Other Side. That girl has strong connections!

Shortly after what Chris jokingly referred to as the “balloon incident,” I put Haven down for a nap and slipped outside for a quick walk. It was colder than I anticipated and just five minutes in, I wanted to turn back. As I did, I was driven by a strong instinct to stay outside. I wouldn’t be walking my talk if I ignored my inner guidance, so I made a U-turn and took a turn down a street I don’t typically travel. Within a few yards, I stopped dead in my tracks. Lying on the sidewalk was a rock hand-painted with 2 CHERRIES!!!

After two weeks of receiving the same signs over and over again —red balloon, cherries and a rock—all three had finally shown up within the same hour.

I laughed out loud, feeling gratitude for the validation. My guides had delivered on their promise, but I had to ask—why the long wait?

What I got was that it had all been part of their plan. They’d waited until after my time away to validate the importance of self-care. Their signs were intended to send a strong message that applies to all of us—when we strike a balance between work and play and engage in the activities that light us up and bring us joy, and equally ground and center our souls,  we can more easily show up and shine in our day-to-day personal and professional lives.

Suddenly, the timing felt just right, and it also felt like a Divine permission slip to take more time for play. No argument here!