Prayer and Meditation Are Super Powers

Prayer and Meditation are big for me! They are such a huge part of my spiritual practice, and what I encourage for anyone looking to connect to their own intuition and the higher guidance available to them through their team spirit. The spirit talk that I gave for one of my recent Rebecca Rosen LIVE Online events centered around what I call P&M, and particularly the power of prayer. This is a message that continues to resonate. As many of us begin the new year by focusing on our own alignment and connection, I was guided to share this message and reminder again. I hope that it encourages you to continue calling your team in, trusting that your prayers are not a one-sided conversation.

If you're interested in joining me for my upcoming Rebecca Rosen LIVE Online event, there is still time to register! You can get your tickets for January 14th.

PS: If you're looking for even more of this guidance, I go into a deep dive into all of this and share a channeled message from my guides in this week's podcast episode. You can listen to the full episode here!