Spiritual Tool: Nature

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There is a great quote I reference often: “Many paths, one Truth”. Spirits have relayed the message time and again that it matters not how we find our way to God, but that we do. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we have individual bodies that house our souls, moving us through this experience of life. Within our bodies and egos we are all wired differently, and what speaks to one may not speak to another. However, within our souls, we are all wired to the same Source—you may call it God or Love—and this source is the spark of God within us. This inner light connects us all, and is the “oneness” we so often hear of.

For some of us, finding our way back to this source comes from being in church, synagogue or temple; for others it is found through time in nature. So often in readings I hear spirits say that their heaven is like being in a favorite setting in nature, such as the mountains or on an island at the beach. There is something transformative, healing and magical about being fully present in nature. Along with all the negative ions found in these natural settings that clear our bodies and auras of any negative debris we’ve sponged up, nature has a way of shifting us out of our minds and into our hearts, where our true source of connection lies. From this heart center, we are able to feel the love of God within.

Nature offers us the opportunity to experience the stillness of the “God Gap” as I call it; those gaps of freedom from time and space that are portals into the Divine oneness that we are. A great way to slip into this divine essence is through moving meditation in nature. Consider walking, running, hiking, cycling, yoga, tai chi, or chi gong in an outdoor setting. Given the right circumstance—enough time and space to unplug from this world and slip into the God Gap—we are able to re-align with this higher power and one Truth from which we were born.

Nature is universal to us all. It’s free, available, and always around us. Our only job is to meet it halfway, making time to be fully present in our nature setting of choice. If you are feeling disconnected, depressed, heavy, irritable, or lonely, I would encourage you to slip into nature and shake it off. Breathe in the pure, positive energy of the fresh air around you, and give yourself the gift of receiving this Divine love and healing energy. You will walk away from your time in nature feeling uplifted, lighter and freer than before. And more importantly, feeling connected to the deeper essence of your true nature, which is the love and light of God within.

My next Rebecca Rosen LIVE Online event is on September 23rd. If you're interested in attending and experiencing validations, healing, inspiration, and the answers to questions like this, tickets are available here!

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