Suicide Prevention Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. In honor of this month, and since this is something very near and dear to me personally, I want to share a bit about Spirit's perspective and the recurring messages I hear from those who have died by suicide.

Remember that if you are struggling, you have support here on earth and on the other side. I hope that this message offers comfort and insight if you have lost someone to suicide or if you or someone you know is struggling. I hope it also encourages you to seek whatever help you may need because you are never alone.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

My next Rebecca Rosen LIVE Online event is on September 23rd. If you're interested in attending and experiencing validations, healing, inspiration, and the answers to questions like this, tickets are available here!

Do you know that you are constantly supported by loved ones? Learn how to connect with them.

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