This is a time of much needed change and transition!

Happy New Year!   Thank you for another year of learning, growth, and connection. As we move out of 2021 and into this new year, I felt inspired to share a channeling I recently received from my spirit guides.  I shared this in my newsletter last week, but I know that it will still be relevant for many of you today.  I am honored and grateful to be a part of your spiritual journey and I look forward to continuing the journey in the year ahead! Wishing you all a bright, joyful, and peaceful 2022. 

Hello Dear Ones,

This is a time of much needed change and transition...a time of death and rebirth, letting go and letting in the new energies of a heightened time in which many of you will start to feel relief from the daily pressures and stresses that swarm around in lower energy fields. Your energy field is shifting, growing, evolving to a new level of light, allowing in higher light frequencies and making you feel a sense of peace and relief as you let go of the old and open to the new. The way ahead will be clearer, lighter, and easier to navigate as you allow yourselves to relax, and just be, trusting the process of the Divine to make way for your soul's light to acclimate and advance into the higher purpose in which you came forth into physical form.

This is a time to just allow, to just be. If you feel like moving your bodies, then do; if you feel like resting and taking it easy, then do; if you feel like singing and dancing, laughing and playing, then do; and if you feel like hibernating and making time and space for just you, then do. The key here is to listen to you; listen to your heart, your body, your know what you need at any given moment. The question is, are you listening and are you honoring the call? Dear ones, it is time to step up and into a higher dimension of operating while in this physical form experience.

All you need to do now is trust that you are Divinely guided, Divinely held as you honor the call of your soul. Your team in spirit awaits you. Let yourself relax and just be, trusting in the Divinity that surrounds you, that is you. We are excited for what lies ahead. Make your list of intentions for your new year, your new time of creation of that which your soul desires. Let us help you stay aligned with your knowing, in a place of complete faith and trust.

As we move out of the old and into the new, know that we are one with you. Do not be afraid, let this go. Move into the light, and let your spirit soar. We are always here and always near to inspire you into your highest alignment and Truth.

With great love for you, for all you are, and all you do, Master Crew.