Does Our Team Spirit Stay With After We Die?

If you've followed me for a while, you know that we all have a group of loved ones, guides, and angels that help us throughout our time on earth–what I refer to as our "Team Spirit." During the last event, I got to answer more about our Team Spirit and if we keep them when we pass over. Our team plays an important role not only while we're alive, but also when we transition over to the other side. For many, knowing the kind of divine support we have in this experience helps strengthen their spiritual connection and release some of the fear they have around death or losing loved ones. This is part of why I include Q&A like this in these events. It helps us to learn, grow, and heal together.

My next Rebecca Rosen LIVE Online event is coming up on March 17th! Join me for more discussion around topics just like this, as well as live readings. If you feel guided to attend, be sure to save your spot now by registering at the link below.