Miracles Do Happen!

I got my own validation of this recently and after a recent small group reading experience, I knew I needed to share this message with you, too. While it may not always happen on our timeline, the signs, synchronicities, and miracles from our Team Spirit do show up in Divine Time. Our job is to keep our faith and trust. Pray and ask your angels and guides to help bring about the highest truth and healing for everyone involved, and then let go, remaining open to the possibility of the miracles that they send.

For those of you who may feel called to more about who is supporting you on the other side and how we can connect with them, I am holding a webinar tonight all about Team Spirit! I'll be doing a deep dive into the members of our Team Spirit and their specific roles, taking your questions, and leading you through a meditation to help you connect with your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angel.

I hope you'll join me!