Reclaiming Your Power From Negative Energy

In my recent "Rebecca Rosen Live Online" show, I discussed the omnipresence of both dark and light energies around us, emphasizing the significance of where we direct our focus. I explained how dwelling on negative energies, like reptilian entities, can unintentionally give them more power. Instead, I advised on taking back control by ignoring these energies and seeking assistance from higher powers like Archangel Michael. Before sleeping, I recommended setting positive intentions, such as experiencing a peaceful sleep and connecting with spirits that align with God's light. This approach helps us maintain control and steer clear of fear, which is what dark energies thrive on.

I also talked about the importance of spiritual self-defense, especially during sleep, when we are most vulnerable. I shared that dark energies can manipulate us in our dream state, particularly when we are fearful. To combat this, I suggested a technique of visualizing our chakras spinning in gold, a frequency that dark energies can't withstand. Additionally, repeating one's name three times can help in reclaiming one's energy. This practice acts as a protective barrier, asserting our authority over our space and allowing only those in harmony with the source or light to enter. These insights provide a way to maintain spiritual balance by focusing on light and positive energies.

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