Transform Your Life: How to Raise Your Vibration and Embrace a Heavenly State of Mind

Today, I want to discuss a transformative and empowering topic: raising your vibration to achieve a more heavenly state of mind while living on Earth. Understanding that everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies, we can learn to shift our focus from low frequencies associated with negative emotions to high frequencies linked to positive emotions.

I've developed a three-step process to help you raise your vibration called Change it, Run it, Tap it. This simple yet powerful technique can change your life for the better and connect you to a sense of oneness and unity consciousness.

Step 1: Change it

First, work on changing your false beliefs and inner narrative from negative to affirmative. By altering the way you think about yourself and your circumstances, you can start to experience a shift in your energy and emotions.

Step 2: Run it

Visualization of specific color frequencies is used to recalibrate your energetic system. Use Royal Blue for transmutation and cleansing, clearing away negative energy and beliefs. Then, introduce Gold to bring divine creativity, truth, and love into your life. Running these colors through your system will help you achieve a higher, more positive vibrational state.

Step 3: Tap it

Incorporate the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to clear emotional toxins and false beliefs from your system. By tapping on specific meridian points while affirming the truth of your new, positive beliefs, you can release stored negativity and create lasting change.

Consistent practice of this three-step process can elevate your energy, resulting in more miracles, signs, synchronicity, and a connection to a sense of oneness. I encourage you to make choices every day that align with the frequency of light and love, fostering a more heavenly existence in your daily life.

To support you on this journey, I offer additional resources on my website, including a free quiz to identify your top life lessons to work on. By applying the Change it, Run it, Tap It process, you can create a more fulfilling, joyful life and experience your own personal heaven on earth.

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What’s Your Heaven?

Change It, Run It, Tap It Program

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