Mercury Retrograde & Super Blue Full Moon: Tapping into Higher Intuition

Today, I felt an overwhelming urge to discuss the profound changes occurring on our planet. This wasn't a planned post. Instead, it emerged after days of readings, countless conversations with clients, friends, and family. I realized that a myriad of us are navigating through similar experiences, feelings, and emotions.

You Are Not Alone

It's crucial to know that you're never truly isolated, even if it feels that way. Many of us, especially over the past weeks, have questioned, "What's wrong with me?" If this resonates, I'm here to not only normalize these feelings but also the paranormal experiences accompanying them.

Embracing The Energy Shift

The Earth and its inhabitants are undergoing a collective shift, with cosmic energy weaving seamlessly between the physical and spiritual worlds. This interplay is intensifying, resulting in various emotional, mental, and physical responses. Think of it as a process where we're shedding what no longer serves our highest good. It’s akin to plucking the root of a persistent weed, allowing for a rebirth and re-growth.

These changes also signify our evolution from 3D to 5D consciousness. This transition may manifest as heightened emotions, vivid dreams, unexpected memories, or even physical symptoms like dizziness and unexplained aches.

Furthermore, the recent Mercury retrograde and super blue full moon are amplifying these energies. Mercury's influence is causing potential miscommunications, while the bright full moon's illumination is revealing areas that require healing and release.

Guided By The Universe

Interestingly, my path today was intersected by the numbers '5,5,5' on a license plate, a symbolic nudge about the ongoing changes. Such shifts, although essential, can feel unsettling. Yet, they're opportunities for renewal, clarity, and personal growth.

Embracing Your Inner Light

This morning, a phrase echoed in my heart: "Your light transcends your body." It's a gentle reminder that we aren't just our physical forms but eternal souls. We are spiritual beings living a human experience. We are made of light, and we have the power to either align with it or our shadow.

Should you find yourself overwhelmed, recite this simple mantra: "My light transcends my body. I am light. I am love. I am that. I am." This not only reaffirms your essence but also helps reclaim any scattered energy.

During these transformative times, it’s essential to stay grounded, aware, and empowered. As we journey together, harnessing our collective energies, I hope you find solace, understanding, and love in our shared experiences.

Sending endless love and light your way. Remember to embrace the changes and trust the journey. Wishing you abundant blessings and love.

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