The Power of Clear Intentions

Today, I want to share an experience that reinforced my belief in the power of setting intentions. It’s about how clearly defining our needs to the universe, our guides, and the divine can lead to miraculous outcomes. Recently, amidst a life full of demands—from my family to my job, which includes constant energetic connections with spirits—I found myself overwhelmed. As someone who recharges in solitude, particularly near water, and who once lived a past life in Hawaii, I yearned for the ocean's calming presence. However, my schedule rarely allows for such escapes. So, I set a clear intention: I needed restorative time, preferably by the sea. The response from the universe was swift and unexpected.

The very next day, a series of small but powerful signs reassured me that my guides were listening. First, I found myself repeatedly encountering the number 628—my birthday and a significant number to me—culminating in waking up at 6:28 AM feeling a deep sense of being cared for and heard. Then, miraculously, my husband received an unexpected invitation to speak in Maui and asked if I’d like to join him. This rapid and almost serendipitous answer to my prayer was a beautiful reminder of the universe's capacity to provide exactly what we need when we need it. So, I encourage you all to be clear about what you desire and why, then trust in the divine timing and perfect ways of the universe. Remember, sometimes, you don’t need to know how it will happen—just believe that it will. Sending you all brightest blessings and all my love.