Navigating Life's Energies | Small Medium at Large

In this insightful episode of "Small Medium at Large," Rebecca Rosen explores the profound topic of maintaining high vibration and protecting one's energy as an empath. Drawing from her many years of experience and guidance from Spirit, Rebecca answers listener questions on how to navigate negative environments and people, and heal from traumatic experiences. Whether you are dealing with workplace stress, toxic relationships, or existential crises, this episode offers valuable tools and spiritual insights for every listener.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Understanding Energy and Vibration: Rebecca discusses the importance of maintaining high vibration and shares strategies to protect oneself from negative energies in various environments.

  2. Earth as a Classroom: Insights into viewing life as an opportunity to learn soul lessons through the classroom of Earth, using the concept of duality and polarity.

  3. Spiritual Tools and Techniques: Exploration of spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and visualization techniques like imagining a disco ball of protective light.

  4. Spiritual Armor: Tips on getting spiritually dressed for the day, using metaphysical tools like crystals, and the importance of grounding and expanding one's aura.

  5. Cord Cutting and Energy Retrieval: Detailed advice on cutting energetic cords from past relationships and calling back one's energy to remain empowered.

  6. Navigating Relationships and Trauma: Strategies for healing from loss and sadness, including reframing perspectives on relationships and employing specific mantras for protection and empowerment.

  7. Engaging with Spiritual Help: Information on how to invoke spiritual assistance from archangels, spirit guides, and ascended masters like Jesus, to protect and heal our energy.

  8. Empathy and Energy Management: Practical advice for empaths on differentiating between their own energy and that of others, and techniques to prevent energy absorption.

  9. Daily Spiritual Practices: Rebecca emphasizes the importance of daily spiritual practices to maintain energy integrity, including tailored meditations available on her website.

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