Transform Your Life with Past Life Insights

Hi, everyone! I'm thrilled to have had this enlightening conversation with my amazing sister-in-law, Ariela Halevi, a gifted shamanic energy healer specializing in past lives. Many clients often ask me about their past lives, but while Spirit occasionally offers glimpses if it's pertinent to the reading, it's not my primary focus. Ariela, however, excels in this area. Today, we delved into the profound insights past lives can provide for our current existence and how understanding our Akashic records can be transformative.

Ariela shared that past lives serve to inform and enrich our current lives, emphasizing the importance of staying present while exploring these histories. Through various methods like energy healing, meditation, and even salt baths, we can access the quantum field and retrieve invaluable lessons from our past incarnations. This information can guide us in healing and evolving, helping us understand and integrate these experiences to live fuller, more joyous lives. Remember, it’s about balancing exploration with living fully in the present moment, and maintaining clear energetic boundaries is crucial for this process. If you're intrigued and wish to explore further, I highly recommend connecting with Ariella for her incredible insights and healing work.

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